We are back from our fabulous weekend getaway! So many great memories made with my family :-)
Stepping out of the digital world gave me an opportunity to live in every moment without the added worry that I was forgetting to do something, respond to someone, etc. and gave me some time to feel at peace, to relax, and to reflect on where I am on my journey.
I had an opportunity to journal some things, which I haven't done in a while, and over the next few weeks will be sharing some of the thoughts I added to my list. Hoping you can relate and will be willing to share your thoughts on each!
Thought #1:
Seeking Adventure-
Before now, I would't have considered myself an adventurous person. In fact, I was less seeking out adventures and more worrying about what could, would, or might happen if I were to go on one!
Spending the weekend away from everything digital, focusing on my family, and enjoying the fresh air gave me some time to think about some adventures I'd like to go on.
So...I decided to create a "fear-less list" of things (sort of like a bucket list, but without that creepy name) of things I'd like to fearlessly do in the coming months. I plan to continue to add to it as I think of new things, but this is what I have so far:
- go ziplining
- visit several art museums
- go on a road trip out west
- go horse back riding
- try water skiing
- play in a drummer's circle
- take a painting class
- write more
- attend a theatre/ballet performance
- see New York City
- watch the sunrise/sunset on the beach
- have a fire at night on the beach
- go to the park and picnic
- ride a bike on the cultural trail
I want to explore new things, be open to new ideas, and find new ways to enjoy life!
I am interested in what you would add to your "fear-less list"???
Post your thoughts in the comment section below!