Here we go...

Getting ready to leave the house for my first day back at work.  I have a lot of different feelings about today; this year.  I am ready to leave behind the struggles of my past and start this new year.  I am excited to meet my kids and, though I have so many things left to do, am trying not to feel too stressed about it.  Different from previous years, I have went into this year with a great attitude: "what is done is done, and what is not, will get done in time".  I need to stay true to my new self.  I can't control anything that happens on a day-to-day basis, but I can control how I react to any situation.  I am hopeful that today will bring me peace, reassurance, and happiness. Because "who knows" (another of my favorite Zac Brown Band songs) what tomorrow will bring...

Could it this really me???

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