"I'm gonna live like tomorrow never comes"~Zac Brown Band

*Patience-the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.

Patience is something I thought I had...up until the last few weeks.  The wondering; the waiting; the worrying.  It has all added up.  And though I feel like I have finally gotten to the acceptance stage as far as the surgery is concerned...I have not been too accepting of the delay with insurance.  Truth is, I do feel upset, and maybe a little angry, that this is taking so long.  I'm so ready to be on the other side; to wake up; to get through the hard part; and to be home with my family resting and recovering.

I get that this is God working.  I've been spending my mornings with Him and my devotional, Jesus Calling.  He has reminded me that I need to trust Him and refuse to worry; that I need to be here--in the present; that He is my strength-empowering me to handle tasks as they come; and my song--bringing me Joy as I work alongside Him.  And yesterday, He even reminded me that my weakness is an opportunity to grow stronger in His presence; that my neediness is building trust in our relationship; and that if I look back on my journey, I should remember that on my days of extreme weakness--those were the days I feared, but learned and grew the most.

Getting through this doesn't have to be the end of my story--and doesn't mean the journey is over.  In fact, lots of people have given me hope that this will be a new beginning to both--a part 2 to my story as I head in a new direction on this journey--and that both excites me and scares me at the same time.

I will ask that you continue to pray for me--for strength and courage in the days ahead; for doctors and nurses that truly care about me and my well being; that my fears will be replaced by His peace; that I wake up and can handle the pain; that even though some things will be hard and embarrassing, I can be accepting of both and thankful for those taking care of me; that He will be there for Chad, Caylee, and the rest of my family--He will show them His love, His compassion, His grace; and that He will comfort us all every step of the way.

Still 'patiently' waiting on insurance approval to schedule the date.  We'll keep you posted as we get more information.

~Nicole <3

CaringBridge link if you're interested :-)

The Waiting--is the hardest part. ~Tom Petty